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Our Library

Since the formation of the Auckland club in 1954 members and friends have been contributing to the club’s collection of motoring literature. When the club rooms were established in Penrose during the early ‘70s it finally found a permanent home. With a humidity-controlled purpose-built extension to the clubrooms, it has grown to become one of the most extensive collections of automobile and motoring related publications in the country, and the catalogue is now on-line.


With over 5,000 workshop manuals, parts books, original sales brochures, service instructions and technical instructions, the wide-ranging collection of technical information is catalogued to assist members in the restoration, repair and on-going maintenance of older vehicles.

History of Marques Section

Motoring Periodical section - Copy.jpg

In addition to these model-specific or subject-specific technical publications the library also includes a collection of 3,000 books which cover an extensive history of motor vehicles, the manufacturers, where they were produced, who designed and built them, drove them, raced them, sold them, and the rest. In many respects the library has become a unique repository of historical motoring material, automotive engineering textbooks, and motoring curiosities, some dating back to the late 19th Century, and the birth of the motor car, both in NZ and internationally. The library holds publications of the Car and Motor-Cycle that date back to 1900.


The library also contains extensive collections of historic photographs, motor registration records that date from 1906, original car handbooks from 1911, NZ road maps from 1914, handbooks and results data from most of the Vintage and Veteran rallies held in NZ, scrap-books compiled by motoring pioneers, and videos.

Motoring Periodical Section

Other periodical collections of interest are back issues of the magazines: Beaded Wheels, Autocar, Motor, Motor Sport, The Automobile, Motor-Cycling, and Antique Automobile, as well as lesser-known, early publications such as NZ Motor and Cycle.


The library is open to members every Thursday from 9.30 am to 12.30pm, on Club Nights, and Saturday afternoons 4.30 pm to 6.30 pm. A loan system provides members the opportunity to borrow books for a nominal fee. For material that cannot be removed from the library, there is an A3 scanner/printer/copier.

Technical Manuals Section

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